PHP Scripts
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myTrade is Telegram Supported Powerful and Complete Solution for Cryptocurrency trading signal sending Platform. Admin can create free or premium Plan. When anyone go to Register need to subscribe a Plan and Payment there. Then Admin Send Crypto Currencies real time trading ideas to specific Plan users via Email, SMS and Individual Telegram Account. So User Just follow signal and open his/her trading buy sell position, So that user can stop loss and take profit easily. Admin can send Signal On time or Schedule time. So You can Easily Start a Trading Signal Sending Platform just a few click. This scripts has most powerful 6 Payment method like (Paypal, Perfect Money, Bitcoin, Stripe, Skrill and CoinPayment). Its 100% User friendly and fully Responsive in all kind of Device. Its Very easy to use and SEO friendly software. Admin can manage complete website without single line of coding knowledge.It is professionally developed in PHP based Laravel framework with MySQL backend.It has strong SQL injection protection system which will keep away this system from hackers. This script creates an unique session for each login every time and checks login session is valid with this system or not. So there is no question about session hijacking.

NB : We All-time Provide free installation and Premium Support.

Script Features :

✓ Signal Send On-Time or Schedule Time.
✓ Easily Signal Create, Update and Delete System.
✓ Easily Manage Signal Rating and Comment System.
✓ Signal Send on Specific User Telegram Account.
✓ Signal Alert to Email, SMS and Individual Telegram Account.
✓ Powerful Plan Creation.
✓ Free Plan Create System.
✓ Limited and Life Time Plan Duration.
Paypal, Perfect Money, Bitcoin and Stripe (Card), Skrill and Coinpayment Integrated.
✓ Category Wise Blog System.
✓ Fully responsive for any kind of device.
✓ Unique Fronted Design.
✓ Most Powerful Admin & User Dashboard.
✓ User Email and Phone Verification System.
✓ Google reCapthca validation.
✓ Live Chat Integrated.
✓ Google Analytic Integrated.
✓ Powerful Blog Management under Category.
✓ Add user from Admin Panel.
✓ Live Crypto Currency rate and Calculator Integrated.
✓ Live Crypto Currency trading Widget Integrated.
✓ Easy to use contact form.
✓ Easily manage Logo & Favicon.
✓ Easily manage Testimonial.
✓ Easily manage Team Member.
✓ Easily manage Slider.
✓ Easy to use contact form.
✓ Terms & Condition and Privacy Policy page Included.
✓ Informative Menu’s.
✓ Create Multiple Menu and can Update and Delete Them.
✓ Fully Dynamic All section content.
✓ A to Z Description.
✓ and much more…

Demo Log In

Frontend Demo: http://demo.softwarezon.com/mytrade_v4/
Admin Demo: http://demo.softwarezon.com/mytrade_v4/admin/
User Demo: http://demo.softwarezon.com/mytrade_v4/login/

Admin Login:
Email : admin@gmail.com
Password : 123456

User Login:
Email : user@gmail.com
Password : 123456

Free Offer

We are always Offer Free Installation. Just E-mail us with Your Product Purchase Code and cPanel Access. We Install your Product So Fastly.

Support Review

We are always happy to hear from you. Please feel free to contact us for any kind of customization, support, query and suggestion. We will respond as soon as possible.

Thank you,


Email: softwarezon@hotmail.com

This is an exclusive Product in Codecanyon. You can buy this product from there. All the rights reserved to SOFTWAREZON.

Product Information

Created On:
08th October, 2018
Updated On:
21st April, 2020
High Resolution:
Compatible Browsers:
Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge
Files Included:
JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, CSS, PHP, SQL
Product Tags:
bitcoin trade signal, coinpayment, crypto currency, crypto currency trading, cryptocurrency trade, currency trading, forex, forex signal, forex trade, live trade signal, telegram, telegram implement, telegram signal, trade idea, trading signal

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